Off Route/Walkthrough

The following is a walkthrough for the mission Off Route in The Lost and Damned.

You go to the location on Rand Avenue and a short cutscene takes control, showing you the layout of the area. Once in control, Johnny bursts into the area and eliminates all the cops within the area, stealing the prison transport bus. Alternatively, wait for the bus to start moving. Then simply follow it with your wheels and wait until it stops in front of a red traffic light. Now you can gain control of it, without having to deal with all the policemen. From here, Johnny has to evade a three star wanted rating. When that's over with, you drive over to the south end of Alderney to a dock to let the prisoners off in a few waiting boats, while one of the crew waiting for you dumps the prison bus into the water. Interestingly enough, aside from the mostly-harmless (physically speaking) white-collar criminals, there also appears to be a Hannibal Lecter-like cannibal/serial killer aboard the bus, who in turn boards the boats out of the area. After the successful completion of the mission, Johnny expresses a joking fear for the people on the ship with the convict in a phone conversation with Stubbs.