Back Alley Brawl/Script

The following article is the mission script for the mission Back Alley Brawl for lawyer Ken Rosenberg in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.


Ken Rosenberg: Ah! Well, I hope you're having a good time. Because I'm going out of my mind with worry here. What did you find out?

Tommy Vercetti: That there are more criminals in this town than in prison. We need a lead from the streets...

Ken Rosenberg: Ok, let me think, let me think, let me think - AH! I've got it! Ok, There's this limey, some music industry slimeball, goes by the name of Kent Paul. Anyway, he's got his nose so far up most of Vice City's ass that if anybody knows the whereabouts of 20 keys of coke, it's this guy, all right? He's always at The Malibu.

Tommy Vercetti: I'll go pay him a visit.

Ken Rosenberg: Take it easy now.

(Tommy drives to the Malibu Club where he meets Kent Paul)

Kent Paul: Where'd you pop up from? I've been looking for a bird like you for ages, mate...

Tommy Vercetti: I'm looking for some English guy...

Kent Paul: Kent Paul, mate. Yeah, I'm the governor 'round here. I sort things out, you know what I mean? I'll treat you. Whatever you want, I'll get you, girl. Don't you worry about a thing, mate.

Tommy Vercetti: Get lost, honey.

Kent Paul: Oi oi oi oi oi!

Tommy Vercetti: You Kent Paul? I'm a friend of Rosenberg's...

Kent Paul: Rosenberg...Rosenberg...Oh, that bonkers ambulance chaser! That guy could defend an innocent man all the way to death row! Give us another drink, bruv.

Tommy Vercetti: Everybody's a comedian. Listen to me, I'm missing twenty keys and a lot of cash...

Kent Paul: Drugs, mate? It's a mug's game.

Tommy Vercetti: What do you know about it?

Kent Paul: Oi oi! What I was coming to was, there's some chef-cum-trumpetshifter who deals out of a hotel kitchen on Ocean Drive. He's been looking real pleased with himself lately. You could go and check him out...?

Tommy Vercetti: I will - and I'll be seeing you around.

Kent Paul: Yeah, that's right. Go on - walk away, you mug. I'll knock you spark out! Give me a drink - and where's that slut?

(Tommy drives to the alleyway in Ocean Drive)

Leo Teal: Hey, whatchoo lookin' at?

Tommy Vercetti: You better start talking...

Leo Teal: Hey, make me, you prick!

(Tommy kills Leo Teal and Lance Vance shows up)

Lance Vance: Oh, way to go, tough guy. Beat him to a pulp. That should make him real chatty.

Tommy Vercetti: You want some, too?

Lance Vance: Hey, chill. I want what you want, brother.

Tommy Vercetti: Oh, yeah? And what's that?

Lance Vance: Your green - and my dead brother's white lady. Unfortunately, you just silenced our lead.

Tommy Vercetti: Accidents happen. Get lost.

Lance Vance: Hey, hey, whoa. No need to go all 'Lone Ranger' on my ass. The way I see it - we two hombres in a strange town. We need to watch each other's back.

Tommy Vercetti: My back's just fine, brother...

Lance Vance: You sure about that? Here, take this. Follow me!

Lance Vance: This way!

(Tommy and Lance retreat to Lance's Infernus, driving to Ammu-Nation)

Lance Vance: One thing you gotta realize about this town. You gotta pack some heat. C'mon, the local gun shop's a couple of blocks away.

(Tommy and Lance go to the Ocean View Hotel)

Lance Vance: I'm going to see what I can dig up. I'll be watching you, Tommy!

Post-mission phone call

Caller: Hey Leo, I think we got a buyer for Diaz's merchandise. You gotta give him a ring, man, set up the deal, you know?

Tommy Vercetti: Where are you now?

Caller: You OK Leo? You sound kinda different.

Tommy Vercetti: Just tell me where you are.

Caller: Who the hell is this? Put Leo on, man!

Tommy Vercetti: Leo's gone away for a while, he left me in charge.

Caller: Screw you, man!