
The following is a walkthrough of the mission Babysitting in Grand Theft Auto IV.

Go to the "D" to meet Derrick. There will be a short cutscene showing Derrick pulling up in a boat. After the cutscene you will be at the wheel in the boat with Derrick at which point he tells you about the mission. Go to the blue dot on your map to meet Kim's boat. Follow Kim's boat with your boat. Attackers in black boats will soon enter from both sides and you need to shoot them. Try to aim for the attackers inside the boats. At one point Kim's boat will come to a stop. You'll need to stand up and use the RPG and take out an enemy helicopter. Once the helicopter and all of the boats have been destroyed follow Kim's boat to the dock to end the mission.

Be VERY CAREFUL after you have taken out the helicopter. The boats will all pull up beside you, and killing the driver will blow up their boat, possibly killing you, Derrick, Kim, or "wrecking" Derrick's boat.