This user thinks GTA is the best series of games ever
This user thinks GTA IV is the best GTA game
This user thinks GTA San Andreas is the best GTA game
This user thinks GTA Vice City is the best GTA game
This user thinks GTA Vice City Stories is the best GTA
This user is proud to be British
This user is proud to be American
This user is proud to be Australian
This user is proud to be Japanese
This user is proud to be Italian

To show a list of userboxes on your own page, you need three elements - the top of the table, the userboxes themselves and the bottom of the table. These elements MUST be on separate lines.

{{userboxtop}} starts off the table, and you can change the title by adding a vertical line, eg {{userboxtop|My Games}}. This could be a link, such as {{userboxtop|My [[Grand Theft Wiki:userboxes|Userboxes]]}}

For the actual userboxes, simply include the template link to them, eg {{userbox:GTA}} or {{Userbox:GTAVC}}. Remember that Capital letters matter (except at the very beginning).

To end the table, simply add {{userboxbottom}} on a new line.

The userboxes on the right are as follows:

{{userboxtop|sait canlı}}


See Category:Userboxes for a full list of available userboxes.