
Xbox Gamertag Id: I eNVyLV I

Favourite GTA vehicle: Bicycle from San Andreas...seriously, they kick ass.

Favourite GTA weapon: Shotgun

Favourite GTA feature: Cab rides...they save me so much time and stress.

Other Information -

Movies: Mostly comedy. I enjoy a few serious movies as well as documentaries. TVI like Adult Swim, Comedy Central, Discovery, and Animal Planet. I don't watch TV too often.

Music: Almost every genre there is something I'm into. My favorites would be metal and hip-hop from the late eighties/early nineties.

Books: Almost everything I read I forget in days. I like non-fiction.

Video Games: Fighting/RPGs are my two favorite types. I like a select few series that I play over and over. Some would include:

1. Zelda 2. Mario 3. Guitar Hero 4. Final Fantasy 5. Street Fighter

Magazines: Whatever is laying around.

Snacks: Pasta/Sandwiches

Drinks :Water/Tea/Light Sodas

Personal Information -

Real Name: Bryan Johnson

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Birthday: March 18th

Occupation: Bum

Websites: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=11524463

Places I've Lived: Most places on the West Coast, Texas, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania.

Schools: Life

About Me: I enjoy stand-up comedy and reading.

I joined up on this site out of boredom and because I used lots of info off it. If I can be of help to anybody, send me a message, as I'm familiar with GTA3 and up.

Halloween...or is it