Maze Bank Tower

The Maze Bank Tower is a skyscraper in Los Santos in Grand Theft Auto V, based on Los Angeles' U.S. Bank Tower. Located in Downtown Los Santos, it is the city's tallest skyscraper and presumably the tallest building in the state of San Andreas. Maze Bank houses its headquarters in the building as evidenced by its signage on the building's base and crown. The building's base has a elaborate plaza with fountains and gardens. It is one of several basejumping locations within San Andreas. The Maze Bank Tower is featured in the 1985 film 18 Wheeler Deathrace, although the building's real-life counterpart did not start construction until 1987.

The Maze Bank Tower, as seen in the first trailer for GTA V.

Events of the HD Universe

Hedge fund manager and self-proclaimed "control junkie" Dom Beasley convinces Franklin Clinton to jump off the building's crown and onto a moving truck traveling on Power Street.

See Also

Los Santos Tower: equivalent building in the 3D Universe rendition of Los Santos.