Easter Basin Naval Station

The Easter Basin Naval Station is a military base located in the Easter Basin district of San Fierro, San Andreas. Entering the base or flying over it will give the player an automatic five-star wanted level (four stars if the player has not yet officially unlocked San Fierro).

The Naval Station viewed from Easter Bay Airport.

The base consists of a Submarine Pen and an amphibious assault craft. Stealing vehicles within the base is not advised, as the wanted level gained will most likely result in the destruction of the stolen vehicle.

The aircraft carrier houses a Hydra parked on its deck. This carrier is invaded, and a Hydra stolen, in the mission Vertical Bird, a mission given by Mike Toreno to protagonist Carl Johnson. However, the carrier does not feature any military personnel other than in that particular mission. Also, the Hydra will not always appear on the deck of the carrier.

The carrier also has SAM sites, which do not fire at the player, except during Vertical Bird if they are not deactivated. The SAM site closest to the Hydra is also one of the fifty snapshots in San Fierro. However, to take the picture, one does not need to be on the carrier or in the area of Easter Basin Naval Station where the wanted level will trigger.

Stationary vehicles

  • Random civilian vehicle
  • Patriot (near carrier)
  • Barracks (far side of base, near Hunter spawn)
  • Hunter (must complete Flight School with all Gold to trigger spawn)
  • Hydra (must complete Vertical Bird)
  • Launch (in one of the sub pens)
  • Vortex (inside the carrier, must be maneuvered up the stairs)


  • Two oysters. These oysters are the most difficult to obtain because the player will instantly get a 5-star wanted level (4 if the player has not yet officially unlocked San Fierro). The best way to collect them is during The Da Nang Thang, phase two of Outrider, Pier 69, or Vertical Bird.
    • One in front of the aircraft carrier
    • One in the middle tunnel of the sub pen


  • There is a sign near the dock of the harbor that reads, "Unauthorized persons will be shot at". The sign is, indeed, true to its word.