Artificial Scarcity

Artificial Scarcity is a mission in Grand Theft Auto Online given to the protagonist by Madrazo Cartel leader Martin Madrazo. The player must have reached rank nineteen and have downloaded the High Life Update to unlock the mission, which can be completed by one to four players.

Artificial Scarcity
Game GTA Online
For Martin Madrazo
Target Seven Mules
Location Los Santos
Fail A Mule escapes without being destroyed
The player/team runs out of team lives
Reward $2,250 (easy difficulty)
$3,750 (normal difficulty)
$5,250 (hard difficulty)
Unlocked by Reaching rank nineteen
Downloading the High Life Update


The protagonist(s) are told by Martin Madrazo to destroy seven trucks from a rival operation in La Mesa. After locating the trucks at a Maibatsu factory on Popular St, the protagonist(s) destroys the seven trucks despite the security (including snipers on the roof of the factory) attempting to stop the assault.

Mission prompt

Martin Madrazo: I've got seven trucks for you. And soon you're going to have seven burning wrecks for me, okay? Great! We'll all be happy. It's a rival operation, so shut it down, and you'll feel some of the benefit of scarcity in the marketplace.

Video walkthrough

Xbox 360 Version - GTASeriesVideos
