Michael De Santa

Michael De Santa (born in 1965 as Michael Townley) is a character in the HD Universe who appears as one of the three protagonists in Grand Theft Auto V. He is a retired bank robber forced to return to his criminal activity due to a lack of money while remaining under the protection of FIB agent Dave Norton. He is the husband of Amanda and father of both Jimmy and Tracey. He is voiced by Ned Luke.

Michael De Santa
Michael De Santa during Reuniting the Family.
Michael De Santa during Reuniting the Family.

Michael De Santa during Reuniting the Family.
Appearances GTA V
Full Name Michael De Santa
Aliases Michael Townley (birth name, until 2004)
Gender Gender::Male
Date of Birth 1965
Date of Death 2013 (optional)
Age at Death 48
Nationality American
Home De Santa House in Rockford Hills, Los Santos
Family Amanda De Santa (wife)
Jimmy De Santa (son)
Tracey De Santa (daughter)
Main Affiliations Trevor Philips (until 2004, again in 2013)
Bradley Snider (until 2004)
Lester Crest (until 2004, again in 2013)
Dave Norton (2004 - 2013)
Isiah Friedlander (2013)
Hayden Dubose
Melinda Dubose
Franklin Clinton (2013)
Solomon Richards (2013)
Vehicles Black Tailgater
White Marquis (stolen)
Player's Choice
Voiced by Ned Luke

Character history

Michael De Santa, born Michael Townley in 1965, was born into a tough life, telling Isiah Friedlander that crime was his only opportunity in life after his early promise as a high school footballer ended, the reason for which is unknown. He performed his first robbery in 1988 and took $10,000 from a small franchise in Carcer City. He continued in this vain throughout the 1990s, eventually teaming up with the likes of Trevor Philips and Bradley Snider along the American-Canadian border. At some point prior to 1993 he meets his future wife Amanda and has two children: Jimmy and Tracey.

In 2004 Michael, Trevor and Bradley team up to perform a bank robbery in Ludendorff, North Yankton. Michael, however, decides to turn states evidence after finding out that the FIB discovered their plans. The robbery goes ahead as planned, however, during the getaway their vehicle is hit by a train. While on foot, Bradley and Michael are shot by FIB Agent Dave Norton, who later claims the credit for stopping the robbery. Bradley dies but Michael is saved, entering into an off the books witness protection program, while Trevor flees the area and evades the police. Norton plans a funeral for Michael, attended by his wife Amanda.

Michael, Amanda and their two children are subsequently moved into a large house in Rockford Hills, Los Santos with a substantial sum of money some time after 2006. The family continues to live under the protection of Agent Norton, paying him a five figure sum each month in return for his help. Over the next seven years, the De Santa family unit deteriorates due to constant arguing between all four family members, Amanda's heavy spending habits and marital infidelity, and the kids' at-risk lifestyle choices. She also rents out their home to pornographic film star Freddie Slade in 2012, without Michael's knowledge.

In 2013 Michael, enjoying his retirement, is treated by psychologist Isiah Friedlander from his office in Vespucci Beach where he briefly meets repossession agents Franklin Clinton and Lamar Davis. Franklin later breaks into the De Santa house to repossess a vehicle bought by Jimmy. Michael, hiding in the back seat, forces Franklin to drive into the salesroom of Premium Deluxe Motorsport resulting in Franklin and Lamar being fired.

Franklin, a gang affiliate, returns to the De Santa house in the hope of finding some employment. Michael, however, discovers Amanda's affair with her tennis coach. Michael and Franklin then destroy Natalia Zverovna's house, believing it to be Chavis', and are confronted by Mexican-American 'legitimate businessman' Martin Madrazo. The two are 'convinced' to repay the money, $2.5 million, and Michael agrees to teach Franklin the basics of his trade. The two work together almost immediately after, rescuing Jimmy from Michael's boat, which Jimmy had attempted to sell in a deal that turned into a robbery.

The two, alongside a hired driver, gunman and hacker, pull off a robbery at Vangelico's Fine Jewelry. While leaving, however, Michael uses a phrase he had used nine years prior, which is recognised by Trevor Philips in his trailer in Sandy Shores, Blaine County, just north of Los Santos. Agent Norton visits Michael to warn him against getting back into the criminal underworld. Michael and his family are later watched by Wade Hebert, who joins Trevor in his trip to Los Santos to confront Michael. Trevor later visits Michael at his home and the two rescue his Michael's daughter Tracey from humiliating herself on reality television show Fame or Shame.

Agent Norton and fellow corrupt agents Steve Haines and Andreas Sanchez then force Michael into infiltrating a morgue to retrieve the body of Ferdinand Kerimov and later, along with Franklin and Trevor, to kidnap Kerimov from the IAA Building in the middle of interrogation. Kerimov is later tortured by Trevor while Michael, using the information, kills terror suspect Tahir Javan. Despite his return to criminal activity, much to the disgust of his wife, he attempts to repair their relationship by taking part in a yoga lesson with Fabien LaRouche and later takes Jimmy to a fast food restaurant. Jimmy adds drugs to his drink and convinces his father to drink some causing his driving to become erratic. Amanda, upon learning this, leaves Michael and moves in with Fabien with Jimmy and Tracey.

Without his family and house staff, Michael's house becomes increasingly unkept while he steals a piece of military technology, steals IAA bonds and steals two exotic cars with Trevor and Franklin while posing as a police officer. Devin, as he promised Michael, results in Michael meeting his idol Solomon Richards, a film director. He then destroys a private plane owned by Javier Madrazo on orders from his uncle Martin. While killing Javier Madrazo, Trevor returns to the Madrazo house and kidnaps Martin's wife Patricia. The two, along with Patricia, are then forced into hiding at Trevor's trailer in Sandy Shores. The Triads, looking for Trevor, locate the two while they are in hiding.

Michael, Trevor and Franklin, with help from Lester Crest, perform a heist at the Blaine County Savings Bank in Paleto Bay and acquire funds for a planned terrorist attack on the FIB Building, which FIB agents Haines, Norton and Sanchez wish them to perform to acquire more funding. Their feud with Merryweather Security Consulting, who had been guarding a piece of military equipment they had stolen, continued when Michael and Trevor steal numerous pieces of art being guarded by Merryweather mercenaries while being transported. Agents Haines and Norton then return to demand Michael's help to infiltrate the Humane Labs and Research factory where they are supposedly manufacturing a powerful neurotoxin.

Trevor, during his time with Michael, had slowly begun to piece together the events of nine years ago, and flies back to Ludendorff, North Yankton to dig up Michael's official grave. Michael follows him to try and prevent him discovering the truth but fails with Trevor discovering Bradley Snider's corpse. He flees the area, promising to kill Michael at a later date, and the Triads move in. Michael is eventually kidnapped and returned to Los Santos, with Triad boss Wei Cheng threatening to kill Michael if Trevor does not give up his business, not realising they were now feuding. Franklin manages to rescue Michael before he is killed and, along with Franklin and two accomplices, Michael successfully commits a terrorist attack on the FIB building.

Shortly before he performs the terrorist attack, he helps Solomon complete his latest film by convincing the lead actors to return to the set and retrieving an analogue film reel copy being taken to a remote offshore location by Molly Schultz to make an insurance claim. He then meets up with Agents Haines, Norton and Sanchez who had planned on killing him until Agent Sanchez reveals he is undercover and gathering evidence against the two corrupt agents. Michael, with help from Trevor Philips, helps Agent Norton escape while Agent Haines escapes on his own despite being shot in the leg.

He then helps Franklin and Trevor to rescue Lamar Davis, despite his ongoing feud with Trevor, and then reunites his family. He and Jimmy attend Meltdown premiere. While in attendance, Devin Weston, who had taken a disliking to Michael, warns him that Merryweather mercenaries had been sent to his house to kill his wife and daughter. Michael and Jimmy return home, and Michael protects his family against the attacking Merryweather mercenaries. Michael sends his family into hiding and performs one last job by robbing the Union Depository. Michael receives a substantial cut and his family returns home.

The player can then decide on how to finish the game by either: killing Trevor, killing Michael or saving both. If the player decides to kill Trevor, Michael helps Franklin by ramming Trevor's vehicle into an oil tanker allowing Franklin to set it and Trevor on fire. If the player kills Michael, then Franklin chases him to a factory and half way up one of the chimney stacks, pushing him over a small barrier with an angry Trevor telling Franklin he is dead to him now. If the player decides to save Michael and Trevor, the three systematically take out each of their enemies: Steve Haines, Stretch, Wei Cheng, Devin Weston, and numerous Merryweather mercenaries and FIB agents. Michael is sent to kill Stretch and later meets Franklin and Trevor, pushing Devin's car, with Devin in the boot, off a small cliff and into the Pacific Ocean. The three then agree to remain friends but end their professional relationship.

Mission appearances

GTA V Strangers and Freaks

Murders committed

Optional murders

Special ability

Michael's special ability is the ability to slow down time allowing him to become more accurate while shooting enemies. It is an ability known as BulletTime as stated by Rockstar Games and the official Guidebook. Another Rockstar Games character is famous for this trademarked ability: Max Payne. This ability is also very similar to "Dead-Eye", the state of mind that characters Red Harlow and John Marston can enter while shooting in Red Dead Revolver and Red Dead Redemption.


  • There is a real person called Michael Townley in the witness protection scheme in the United States.
  • Michael appeared in the first trailer as the narrator, which was released two years prior to the game. Franklin Clinton also appeared in the trailer.
  • Michael is the only GTA protagonist to have a wife and children during their respective appearances in GTA.
  • Until the release of the Game Informer issue on GTA V, his name was rumored to be Albert De Silva, due to a leaked casting list.
  • In The Paleto Score, Michael states that his first robbery was $10,000 from a small franchise in Carcer City in 1988.
  • Michael is the second protagonist to be unlocked after Franklin.
  • Michael is the oldest protagonist of the series.
  • Michael is a fan of older Vinewood films and paraphrases a quote from Arthur Penny's Sanitorium while performing a robbery in Ludendorff and again while robbing a jewellers in Los Santos.
  • Michael's special ability is similar to one in Max Payne called "Bullet time" and one from Red Dead Redemption called "Dead-eye".
  • An antagonist in Read Dead Redemption (Vicente De Santa) shares the same last name as Michael.
  • If Franklin (the player) chooses not to kill Michael in The Time's Come, Michael will headbutt Franklin and fall to his death.
  • Trevor, Lester and Jimmy all state that he is 45 years old during the events of GTA V despite the date of birth on his tombstone reading 1965, making him 48 years old.


Michael's trailer

Franklin's Trailer
