Grand Theft Auto 1

Grand Theft Auto
File:GTA1 Box Art.jpg
GTA1 Cover
DeveloperDMA Design/Tarantula Studios
PublisherASC Games
Release dateOctober 1997
Game Boy Color

BBFC: 18
ESRB: Mature (M)
ESRB: Teen (T) (Game Boy Color)

LocationLiberty City
Vice City
San Andreas

This article is about the first game in the Grand Theft Auto series. Visit that link for all the others. Grand Theft Auto, now known as GTA1, is the first game in the Grand Theft Auto series.

Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 was made as an expansion pack for GTA1, and in turn Grand Theft Auto: London 1961 was an expansion pack for London 1969. Both of these games require the original GTA1.

Since GTA1 there have been many Grand Theft Auto games, see them all here.



Fist - Can't kill. Just can freeze your enemy for a sec.

Pistol - Slow firing rate. But one shot - one death. Much ammo around the city. It is always near hospitals (?!) and police stations. Standard weapon of cops and criminals.

Machine gun - Shoots very fast. Great weapon. It is only in specified places and it hasn't not much ammo. Used by police when player has fourth wanted level.

Rocket Launcher - Blasty weapon. Explodes on anything. Can fire up buildings. Better not stay near your target. Found only in rare places.

Flamethrower - Loads of flames can easily explode the car or put people in fire. Good for enemy groups. Really hard to find.