Leta Lopez-Wilkinson

Revision as of 23:34, 13 April 2010 by Kyleneu (talk | contribs)

Leta Lopez-Wilkinson is the daughter of Adriana and Mr. Lopez, and the sister of Luis and Ernesto Lopez. She was abandoned by her father along with her brothers and was sexually harassed by a teacher at her school, which resulted in Luis shooting the teacher and being sent to a juvenile detention centre. Leta later moved out and married to a white guy, one Mr. Wilkinson, also having an unknown amount of children. She works in a human resources department but tells Luis not to work in one as "People treat you like you need wipe their asses".

Leta has a healthier relationship with Luis than their brother Ernesto and does not nag Luis about his nightclub lifestyle, unlike their mother and brother, which Luis admires. She later asks Luis to look out for their mother after admitting that she and Ernesto have not been there for her after moving out.