Entertainment Software Rating Board

Revision as of 22:21, 5 September 2006 by gtw>GTW-47

The ESRB is the ratings system used in the United States of America and Canada. Here is a complete evaulation of the ESRB ratings system:

  • EC - early childhood - for ages 3 to 5
  • E - everyone - previously, the rating meant the game was for children ages 6 and up
  • E10+ - everyone 10 and up
  • T - teen - for ages 13 and up
  • M - mature - for ages 17 and up - typical rating for Grand Theft Auto games
  • AO - adults only - for ages 18 and up - never seen in Wal-Mart; as they are banned there however EB games sells these games. It could be noted that GTA San Andreas recieved this rating temporairly after the hot coffee mod was discovered.