Taxi Drivers

Revision as of 21:32, 14 December 2009 by gtw>Omega'sHand

The description On the GTA taxi drivers.

The Taxi Drivers

GTA III-GTA Vice City: The Taxi drivers in GTA III and Vice City are mostly Indian and usually run away if you steal their Taxi. You occasionally get the driver who wants his cab back. He then tries running after the player driving the cab, then beats them up for trying to take it if he succeeds in catching up with the player. You can usually hear the cab driver saying "Hey my cab!" in a Middle Eastern accent.

GTA IV: Now the Taxi drivers in GTA IV are ruthless and vengefull. This time they ain't Indian, their Greek. If you crash into them they might say the word "Malaka" which means in this case means they have no common sence and repeats the same mistakes. Some might say "sorry I let some gas off. After that they will exit their Taxi and try to pull you out of your vehicle and start a fight. Now if they started a fight with an officer standing nearby or a Police Cruiser they will take immediate Action. And arresting the driver and taking them away.