Huang Lee

Huang Lee
Appearances [[Appearance::Grand Theft Auto IV (unseen)
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars]]
Full Name Huang Lee
Date of Birth 1983
Place of Birth China
Age Now 41
Nationality [[Chinese|Chinese]][[Nationality::Chinese| ]]
Home Liberty City
Family Wu "Kenny" Lee (uncle)
Main Affiliations Algonquin Triads
Wu "Kenny" Lee
Chan Jaoming
Zhou Ming
Hsin Jaoming
Wade Heston
Rudy D'Avanzo
Lester Leroc
Xin Shan

Huang Lee is the protagonist and playable character of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.


A spoiled rich kid from Hong Kong, Huang owes his status as a Triad member to his father, a Triad boss from Kowloon. After the murder of his father, Huang is called to Liberty City by his Uncle Wu "Kenny" Lee to deliver a family 'heirloom", the Yu Jian Sword, to secure his family's claim to the leadership of the Triad gangs. But what was supposed to be a weekend of table service and strippers turns into a dangerous adventure after arriving at Francis International Airport only to be hijacked, robbed of his sword, and left for dead. Huang will have to dig deep into the rotten core of Liberty City - and deep within himself -- to avenge his father's murder and reclaim his family's honor.

Character Personality

Throughout the course of the game Huang is shown to be very cocky and quick-witted. He appears to much more intelligent then other characters in the game who seem to be obvlious to Huang's constant mocking and sarcastic remarks.

Huang does not value honour and tradition in the same vein as his Uncle, claiming that "this is 2009 not 1409." Though he is very loyal to his family and his gang, following their orders with little hesitation. Huang acknowledges the fact the his is a "pampered little snot" in the opening cutscene, he also reveals that he has visited Liberty City before where he "caught crabs from a Swiss tourist."

Appearance in GTA IV

Huang has an record on the Liberty City Police Department Database in Grand Theft Auto IV. It states that he is a 25 year-old Chinese native and known associate of Wu "Kenny" Lee's Liberty City Triad Gang. His record also states that he is believed to be working freelance for other organizations in addiction to his uncle's.

Huang had been arrested twice prior to the events of Chinatown Wars. Once in 2002 for trademark counterfeiting and again in 2005 for Grand Theft Auto.


The correct pronunciation for the name Huang rhymes with bong. People mistakenly call the name that rhymes with bang, which is incorrect. Huang commonly translates to yellow but can be translated to anything that uses the same pronunciation.

Murders Committed by Huang