Out of Commission

Revision as of 14:07, 20 September 2008 by Jovcha91 (talk | contribs)

This is the final mission of the "Revenge" ending of the storyline. It is triggered after Mr and Mrs Bellic. It's triggered by a call from Little Jacob. In this mission Niko seeks revenge against Kate's Death. Niko chases Pegorino's goons to an abandoned casino, then enters a massive fire fight. After all enemies are killed, Niko chases Pegorino out of the building. Eventually, Pegorino gets in a boat and Niko on a Sanchez. Niko gets picked up Little Jacob, who is in an Anihalator, in the air. Niko and Pegorino both crash on Happiness Island, and Niko proceeds to kill Pegorino. Credits roll. (X360 Achievement - You Won 60GS)